HTTP Interface

Update Subscription List

Use this interface to update, remove and add entries to Subscription List. For more information about Subscription Lists please click here.



For secure SSL connection use https:


accesskey This is your AccessKey used to authenticate to you IntelliSoftware account
Click here to create an AccessKey / SecretKey pair
secretkey This is your SecretKey used to authenticate to you IntelliSoftware account
Click here to create an AccessKey / SecretKey pair
sublistname This is the name of the subscription list
msisdn This is the phone number to be updated
action Action to be performed
1 = Subscribe phone number (Opt-in)
2 = Unsubscribe phone number (Opt-out)
3 = Delete phone number from subscription list


OK The request action has been completed
ERR:LOGIN_INVALID AccessKey or SecretKey is invalid
ERR:AUTH_PARAMETER_MISSING Parameter(s) required authenitcation are missing
ERR:AUTH_PARAMETER_INVALID Parameter(s) required authenitcation are invalid
ERR:CONNECTION_NOT_SECURE Connection refused as the connection is not secure
ERR:PARAMETER_MISSING sublistname, msisdn or action parameter is missing
ERR:PPARAMETER_INVALID sublistname or action parameter is invalid
ERR:INVALID_REQUEST The request was not valid
ERR:INTERNAL_ERROR Unable to process request at this time
ERR:GATEWAY_ERROR Unable to process request at this time

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