Hello, there,
From time to time (with no apparent logic : sometimes every day, sometimes once in a fortnight), my ActiveSMS product stops working and the "Status" tab in the ActiveSMS advanced console displays "Cannot connect to the database". The Windows error log has the following entries :
OM Exception raised
Function: CHandset::PollLoop_PerminentConnection
Description: [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC Microsoft Access] La base de données a été placée par un utilisateur inconnu dans un état l'empêchant d'être ouverte ou verrouillée (= database was made unopenable or unlockable by an unknown user)
HResult: -2147467259
COM Exception raised
Function: CHandset::PollLoop_PerminentConnection
Description: Erreur non spécifiée
HResult: -2147467259
(about 10-12 times)
COM Exception raised
Function: CSmartRouting::GetSource
Description: Erreur non spécifiée
HResult: -2147467259
(every two minutes roughly, until stop and restart manually ActiveSMS via the console)
What could be the source of this problem and how can I troubleshoot it ?