Hello, there,

From time to time (with no apparent logic : sometimes every day, sometimes once in a fortnight), my ActiveSMS product stops working and the "Status" tab in the ActiveSMS advanced console displays "Cannot connect to the database". The Windows error log has the following entries :

OM Exception raised
Function: CHandset::PollLoop_PerminentConnection
Description: [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC Microsoft Access] La base de données a été placée par un utilisateur inconnu dans un état l'empêchant d'être ouverte ou verrouillée (= database was made unopenable or unlockable by an unknown user)
HResult: -2147467259


COM Exception raised
Function: CHandset::PollLoop_PerminentConnection
Description: Erreur non spécifiée
HResult: -2147467259
(about 10-12 times)


COM Exception raised
Function: CSmartRouting::GetSource
Description: Erreur non spécifiée
HResult: -2147467259
(every two minutes roughly, until stop and restart manually ActiveSMS via the console)

What could be the source of this problem and how can I troubleshoot it ?
Please ensure that no other application is accessing the ActiveSMS.mdb database.

Otherwise, it looks like there is a problem with the ActiveSMS.mdb database.

You could try repairing the database as follows:
1) Goto 'Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools', double-click on 'Services'.
2) Double-click on 'ActiveSMSServer', and click 'Stop'
3) Double-click on 'ActiveSMS Email Gateway', and click 'Stop'
4) Open Microsoft Access, goto Tools->Database Utilities->Compact and Repair Database
5) Selected the C:\Program Files\IntelliSoftware\ActiveSMS\Database\ActiveSMS.mdb' and select Compact.
6) Open 'ActiveSMS Console' and re-start ActiveSMS.

If this does not solve the problem please try re-installing ActiveSMS (your current configuration will remain intact).
Thank you for your reply.

Is there a way to compact the database without MS Access, as we don't have it at our workplace ?
Yes, you can do it through the ODBC data sources:

1. Goto Start Menu -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)
2. Select the 'System DSN' tab
3. Select data source: 'IntelliSMS'
4. Click 'Configure...'
5. Click 'Repair...'
6. With ActiveSMS.mdb selected click OK
Okay, that's done.

However, my ActiveSMS.mdb went from 3932kB to a mere 156kB. Is that perfectly normal (= it shows how damaged the database was), or shall I be worried about it ? I've of course made a backup of the database before repair.

Thank your for your help. I'll see next monday if the service has stopped crashing overnight and will give you feedback then.
(following the previous message)
No crash happened during the weekend, but previous experience taught us no shout "Victory !" too early...

However, the ActiveSMS.mdb grew back to 2960kB. Once again, is that normal ?
ActiveSMS.mdb file size of 10Mb-20Mb are quite common.

It is a good idea to Compact the database from time to time to ensure it does not get too large.
Hello there,

My problem (I'm the original starter of this topic) persists : every random day (at max every two weeks), Active SMS console gives me the error messages described in the first post.

Repairing the databases via ODBC tools works fine... for a time, until this error appears again. Re-installing Active SMS gets the same result : it eventually crashes again after a few days.

So what else can I do to permanently correct this problem, as this service is CRITICAL to our business, and a +100% to +200% usage growth is scheduled for 2008... ?

Will an updated version of Active SMS that addresses this issue be released soon ?
This is not a common problem that is being reported.

I would suggest changing the database used. You can use a Microsoft SQL or MySQL database as an alternative. MySQL is a free.

You can reconfigure ActiveSMS to use a Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL database if you prefer by performing the following steps:
- Create a new SQL Server or MySQL database
- Create a new System DSN and set the default database.
- Open the ActiveSMS Console and select the Config Page
- Enter the DSN and Username/Password (if required)
- Click Test Connection
- Click Create Tables

Hello there,

I followed your instructions and installed a MySQL database. So far, I haven't had a single problem with it. Unless further notice, I think we can consider this issue is solved. :-)

Thank you !