I am receiving a HTTP connection error (rcHTTPConnectionError) when I try to send an SMS message
HTTP Connection problem can be caused by the following:

- HTTP connection problems may be caused by firewall or antivirus software you have running on the machine. Some antivirus only allows certain application (such as Internet Explorer) to connect out to port 80. Please check the configuration of any firewall and/or antivirus (including Anti-Spyware) software, particular in relation to Port 80 access.

- If you are accessing our gateway from ASP and your proxy server requires authentication, then HTTP access may be blocked. This is because the ASP Worker Process is running as a local machine account. To fix this issue you can try running the ASP Worker Process as your own personal domain account (please note this may introduce security risks).

Extra error information can be found in the system's Application log. You can access the application log as follows:
1. Goto Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel
2. Double-click on 'Administrative Tools'
3. Double-click on 'Event Viewer'
4. Select 'Application Log' in the Event Viewer.
5. Look for the most recent errors from 'ActiveSMSServer'
6. Double-click on the 'ActiveSMSServer' error, please copy and paste the Description into an email back to us.