15 years ago
Title says it all really. 6233 works a treat via Bluetooth.

Would imagine other S40 (3rd edition) phones also to work (6212, 6300, 3120 Classic, etc.).

Interestingly the 6233 had a 3G signal when I tested it, and it worked. I'm not sure how GSM works concurrently over 2G when the phone is connected to 3G.

Couldn't work out why the 6230i wouldn't work. It presented a serial port via BT as per the 6233. It only seemed to support 9600 baud (setting it to 19200 had no effect as it would reset to 9600 next time the serial port properties were viewed). ActiveSMS reported a comms failure when trying to connect to the 6230i.

Would it be possible to get the 6230i working via cable/Nokia PC suite I wonder?
15 years ago
I may be work investigating Nokia 6230i via BT first.

To enable us to resolve this issue could you please turn-on trace logging.

To turn-on trace logging you need to do the following:-
1. Open the ActiveSMS Console
2. Goto the Transport page
3. Click Configure button for the active Transport
4. Select the 'Log Activity To File' option
5. Enter a valid Log Filename, e.g. C:\GSMModemLog.txt

Run a short test to re-create the problem. Once the test complete, please email the GSMModemLog.txt to
15 years ago
Hi support any update on this, I emailed you some screendumps/info a few days ago.
