16 years ago
Hi all,

I have added DOTNET component DLLs (provided by Intelli Software Ltd) as reference in my ASP.NET application and tried to send SMS using the following code..

Dim objIntelli As New IntelliSoftware.IntelliSMS
objIntelli.Username = "xxxx"
objIntelli.Password = "xxxx"
objIntelli.PrimaryGateway = ""
objIntelli.BackupGateway = ""
objIntelli.RequestDeliveryRpt = True
Dim strResult As String = objIntelli.SendMsg("9xxxxxxxx", "Hi", "9xxxxxxxxx")

I gave my username and password also in the code when i executed the application. But im not successfull in getting the proper output. I got the following error.

HTTP Error occurred trying to connecting to the IntelliSoftware gateway, see InnerException for details

If anyone familiar with this concept, pls help me.

Look forward to an early reply.

16 years ago
For more information catch the exception and check the Exception.InnerException.Message property.